Thats Not Me
Pastor Shawn T Cheatham
Our Pastor Shawn T Cheatham
Thank you for visiting our website. Minors Lane Baptist Church has been serving in the Okolona community sice 1949. Our goal is to Learn God => Love God => Live God in all aspects of our ministry to the Okolona People.
I have been a member of MLBC since I was 9 years old and since then I've seen God work so many times through our people. In 2012 I did become Pastor and now my wife Kayla and I now serve alongside with many others to minister to the spiritual needs of our growing community. If you don"t have a church home anywhere, I would like to personally invite you to come worship with us. Everybody is welcome.
09:30 AM - 12:15 PM
06:00 PM - 07:15 PM
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Sunday School 9:30 AM (All Ages)
Sunday Worship Services 10:40 AM and 6PM
Wednesday Bible Study 7PM
Sunday Worship Services 10:40 AM and 6PM
Wednesday Bible Study 7PM